Friday, January 1, 2010

Things I've been up to.

I have been doing quite a bit of sewing lately. One of the fun projects I have been working on are Otedama. Otedama are small rice filled sacks for juggling and playing games. The girls really like them and they are good for eye hand co-ordination. Below is a set I made for Becca.

Although I haven't been beading as much lately, I have played a little bit. Below is one of the experiments I was messing with to make a clip.

Monday, May 25, 2009

See how they've grown!

Wow! They've really grow tons. This was taken about nine days ago and they are even bigger now. As you can see: Bossy Britches (the one in the middle) is really a Bossy Boy. Oh well...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pink Lady Slippers

Earlier this May, we found a small patch of Pink Lady Slippers growing in the woods, near one of our paths. It's a reall treat to actually see these plants growing in the wild. Until now, I had only seen pictures and read about them. It's good to know we have some growing here on the farm - especially since they are rare and in some areas, endangered. We marked the ones that were growing in the path with small flags, so we would avoid stepping on them when they finish blooming.

Night at the Drive-In

Just down the road from us, a local diner has opened up a Drive-In Theater in the front field

Here's Steve and the girls as we got set up to watch the movie at the Drive-in last night. Everyone was excited: I was the only one who had been to one before.

Here's the screen and some of the other early crowd. There was a swing set down near the front for the smaller kids. Lots of folks came early, set up, and got supper at the diner that sits just at the top of the hill, in the far back.

We enjoyed hanging out, and Becca saw some kids she went school with last year. By the time it got dark, the lot was pretty full.

The sound was sent over the radio, so next time I think we will bring a boom box to help with the volumn. We used the radio in the cab last night, and it worked fine once we turned it up.

The evening was gorgeous and clear skyed. The air had just a hint of summer chill, once the dew fell, and we had, all in all, a grand time.

Friday, March 27, 2009

the chicks are getting in lots of feathers!

As you can see here, "the girls" have started to really fluff out in feathers. We had to move them to a different holding area last night - they have gotten big enough to hop up to the edge of the trough and even grab the netting we had fastened across the top.

Since we figured it was only a matter of time before they were able to pull it down (duct tape not withstanding) we put them in an extra bunny hutch we had. It is a bit taller and they are able to hop/flutter up to the perch we put in there.

I have gotten way more entertainment than I expected from watching and listening to them. I had no idea chicks could make so many different peeps, cheeps, chitters, and trills. They sound more like song birds most of the time.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gorgeous Spring Morning

the hen house

I meant to post a pic of the hen house before this, but just hadn't grabbed a pic. I got one this morning, and here it is.